About Me

At the age of 37, I found myself facing the unthinkable, the death of my husband. Cancer took his life at the age of 43, we had been married for 6 years. I had no idea what the journey was going to be like or what to expect. I had a 3-year-old son and a 14-year-old daughter to raise on my own and death was all around us. After my son had been out of the house for his first year of post-secondary education, I realized that for years I had simply been surviving and getting by. Doing what was necessary to support my children. I realized I wanted to move beyond merely surviving and find more to my life. I set out to explore how I could learn from my years of survival. I decided to leave my corporate job and educate myself as a Coach so that I can be of service and to share this experience with others. To bring what I have learned along the way to those who are experiencing similar journeys.

The discipline of Coaching is a partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the Client to maximize their personal and professional potential, is Client driven and focused on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change. As a coach, I start from the center of who I am and connect with people from an authentic place in order to encourage people to expand beyond their perceived limitations to become stronger more authentic human beings.

Coaching is not therapy, mentoring, consulting or training. The Coach’s role is to discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve. Encourage the client’s self-discovery, elicit client-generated solutions and strategies and hold the client responsible and accountable for their own success.